
Pneumatic Seed Drills Kverneland E-drill maxi plus

The combined grain and fertiliser version of the integrated power harrow mounted seed drill

The combined grain and fertiliser version of the integrated power harrow mounted seed drill

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Pneumatic Seed Drills Kverneland E-drill maxi plus
Kverneland Pneumatic Seed Drills Kverneland E-drill maxi plus
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Pneumatic Seed Drills Kverneland E-drill maxi plus

The range of Kverneland e-drill as power harrow mounted seed drill allow seedbed preparation, consolidation and sowing in one pass. Within this product group, the e-drill maxi plus is the combined grain and fertiliser model.

The e-drill maxi plus is able to apply two sorts in one pass. It can be two types of seeds or seed and fertiliser or a combination with e.g. slug pellets or only one type of seed.

The hopper can be divided into an adjustable hopper ratio of 60:40, 70:30 or 100:0 with two independently working metering devices ELDOS positioned either side.  

It is, thus, especially adapted to the needs of the European markets where a growing proportion of cereal is sown in spring and the application of fertiliser and seeds in one step or the sowing of a mixture of different seeds is requested. In order to balance the shorter vegetation phase, the phosphoric fertiliser application supports the initial germination and development of the plants in the most efficient way. In trials of spring sown crops, yields have shown increases up to 25% compared to crops where the fertiliser has been applied by other methods.

ELDOS - merilna naprava

  • ELDOS električno poganja e-com in je povsem združljiv z ISOBUS.
  • GEOCONTROL z GPS signalom je možen, kar prepreči dvojno sejanje.
  • Posebni senzorji zagotavljajo upravljanje iz kabine traktorja.
  • Na voljo je pet standardnih rotorjev: za drobna in velika semena ali gnojila.
  • Menjava rotorjev je hitra in enostavna - izvede se brez kakršnih koli orodij.
  • Možne so količine od 1 do 400 kg/ha (odvisno od delovne hitrosti in širine).
  • Dozirna naprava je vedno lahko dostopna.

Dvo - vhodni lemeži CX II

E-drill maxi plus z dvovhodnimi lemeži CX-II in razdeljenim zalogovnikom gnojilo nanese v sejalno vrsto. Gnojilo ali drugi različni posevek se nanese skupaj s semeni v samo enem prehodu.

To je še posebej primerno npr. za fosforno gnojilo za podporo začetnemu kaljenju in razvoju rastlin na najbolj učinkovit način. 

Z dodatnim iztokom dvojnega vstopa lemeža CX-II so možne različne kombinacije: 

  • dve vrsti semen,
  • eno vrsto semena in eno vrsto gnojila
  • eno vrsto semena v kombinaciji
  • eno vrsto semena.

Technical specifications

e-drill maxi plus 3.0m  3.5m  4.0m

Kapaciteta rezervoarja(l) / razširitev (l)

1700 / 400 1700 / 400 1700 / 400

Št. lemežev 12.5 cm distance (standard)

24 28 32
Št. lemežev 15cm distance (option) 20 24 26
Min. zahteva po moči (HP/kW) 130/96 140/103 150/110
Teža (kg) z lemeži  1520 1600 1910


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