
Kverneland Monopill / Monopill e-drive II

Monopill/Monopill e-drive II - Mechanical precision drill for beet, rape and chicory

Monopill/Monopill e-drive II - Mechanical precision drill for beet, rape and chicory

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Kverneland Monopill / Monopill e-drive II
Kverneland Kverneland Monopill / Monopill e-drive II
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Kverneland Monopill / Monopill e-drive II

Precise Seed Placement and Singulation

The MONOPILL with mechanical and MONOPILL e-drive II with electrical drive are designed for professional precision drilling of beet, rape and chicory. With the Monopill, the peripheral speed of the seed disc matches exactly the forward speed of the machine; therefore the seed has “zero speed effect” which eliminates seed bounce.

Even under the most difficult conditions the parallelogram mounting of the Monopill & Monopill e-drive II sowing units guarantee precise depth control.

The rigid end tow toolbars are available in working widths of 3m, 6m, 9m and 12 m. The convenient and time saving parallel hydraulic folding is available in 6 m and 9m working width. The transport width of all MONOPILL & Monopill e-drive II models is a maximum of 3m.

The Advantages

  • Infinite adjustment of sowing distances from 12.5 to 25cm, optimising seed populations to soil type within the same field from the tractor cab.
  • Multi choice integrated tramlining and pre-emergence marking systems (optional).
  • Ability to increase plant population in the rows adjacent to the tramlines.
  • Half-width shut-off and opto-electronic control for seed counting as standard.
  • Individual sowing units can be switched off. Ideal, for example, when sowing in the corner of awkward shaped fields.
  • Safety through constant control: the electronics permanently monitor all operating functions of each sowing unit constantly displaying the "real time" data on the in cab terminal.
  • ISOBUS Intelligence with Monopill e-drive II


  • Fiksni  končni vlečni drogovi so na voljo v delovnih širinah 3 m, 6 m, 9 m in 12 m. 
  • Priročno vzporedno hidravlično zlaganje, ki prihrani čas, je na voljo v 6 m in 9 m različici orodne vrstice.
  • Transportna širina vseh modelov Monopill & Monopill e-drive II je največ 3 metre
  • Izbirni markerji pred vznikom pomagajo pri prvem škropljenju pred vznikom semena.

Setveni elementi

Sejalne enote so – kot celoten stroj – zasnovane modularno 

  • Osnovni element ostaja vedno enak, oprema pa se lahko spreminja glede na individualne potrebe.
  • Pri setvi v se sprednje kolo Farmflex preprosto zamenja z dvojno rezalno ploščo, opremljeno s stranskimi breztlačnimi pnevmatikami. Vlečni lemež zariše čisto semensko brazdo za natančno odlaganje semena.
  • Monopill se lahko uporablja tudi za setev ogrščice in cikorije, kar omogoča podaljšano uporabo stroja, kar zagotavlja boljše povračilo stroškov stroja.
  • Ogrščico praviloma sejemo v vrste širine 45 cm. Ta medvrstna razdalja omogoča uporabo mehanskih sejalnic. Razdalja med vrstami se bo razlikovala glede na lokacijo in sorto med 5 in 8 cm.

Technical specifications

Working width
Row width
Monopill 6 row rigid 3.0m  45/50 400 
Monopill 12 row rigid 6.0m 45/50 910
Monopill 18 row rigid 9.0m 45/50 1750
Monopill 24 row rigid 12.0m 45/50 2800
Monopill 12 row PH 6.0m 45/50 1250
Monopill 18 row PH 9.0m 45/50 2180


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